Tag: BBC


Geronimo! Doctor Who‘s 50th anniversary fell on the same day as the second anniversary of Canadian Writers Abroad. Thanks to everyone who took the time to read what I, and […]

Exploration and Empire

For the past two Monday evenings I have fallen asleep in front of the BBC program “Empire.” During “Making Ourselves at Home,” on March 5, host Jeremy Paxman went to […]


In the last episode of the BBC Sherlock series, “The Reichenbach Fall,” the viewer sees the newspaper headline “Boffin Sherlock Solves Another.” Sherlock tosses the newspaper aside, saying in disgust, […]

The Canadian in Doctor Who

Who knew that “Doctor Who” was created by a Canadian? Sydney Newman transferred from Canadian television to English television in 1958. He worked on ITV’s Armchair Theatre series, which included […]